
MotoMudd 2 EMPTY

MotoMudd 2 is an EMPTY travel size 2-ounce squeeze bottle that you can fill on your own. The flip top lid has a nozzle to control the flow, so it’s handy for applying your own concoction of MotoMudd to face and hands. It won’t be as good as ours, but you’ll still reap the benefits.

Remember to strain out the big chunks so the nozzle doesn’t clog.  A clogged nozzle slows down the transformation process.
MotoMudd 2 EMPTY fits in your jacket pocket so it’s always handy.  Need a quick trail-side touch-up?  Then this is the size to get.
This EMPTY version has the same label as the regular MotoMudd 2, but because it’s empty it sells for less.