
Note: This is an accessory to the Adventure CyclePump, to be ordered separately.

The AutoCord is an 8-ft power extension for the CyclePump.  It has an SAE power connector on BOTH ends.


1. Connect your battery alligator clips to the battery OR plug your convertible male plug into your accessory port, 
2. Connect the AutoCord to the clips or plug, 
3. Connect the CyclePump power cord to the far end of the AutoCord.

You now you have 17 feet of power cord, from your power supply to the CyclePump.


We use the AutoCord when we’re filling the rear tires on our pickup truck and our automobile.

We also use the AutoCord for a variety of wiring projects on the bike… we snip the AutoCord in half, then use the 2 wire sections to run power for other accessories (i.e. electric vest, auxiliary lights, etc.)